Friday 9 June 2017

Raspberry Pi : SSH and VNC : Virtual Desktop on your mac

In previous tutorial we have learnt How to raspberrypi setup?

Now its time to see its display for Raspberry Pi with Laptop. Below steps are with Macbook

1) Open a Terminal in RaspberryPi
   Enable SSH and VNC either from sudo rasp-config or Preferences=>Raspberry Pi Configuration => Interfaces

2) ifconfig and find ip address

3) Open Mac Terminal
  Connect via SSH ssh pi@
  password: raspberry (by default)

  Now you will see you are connected to pi@raspberrypi:~ $

4) Now its time to get update packages, tightvnc server
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install xrdp
   sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

5) cd .config

6) mkdir autostart
   nano tighvnc.desktop

   [Desktop Entry]
   Exec=vncviewer :1

  save contents with above lines in same file.

7) cd /home/pi

8) Run tightvncserver

9) Download Chicken VNC client on macosx & connect with
    Display: 1
    Password: raspberry(by default)

Now you are able to see Macintosh as Display for a Raspberry Pi.


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